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Everyone has a story. We want to share yours.



June Kathryn Minix

Women For Ukraine - Жінки для України

Published on: 

January 5, 2023

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Thanks for taking the time to sit with us to share your story with our readers. Can you start out by sharing a little bit about you and/or your organization, business, or project?

My name is June Kathryn Minix, and I am an American mother of five, an activist, and a humanitarian, with a background in Holocaust studies. I am the founder of Women For Ukraine - Жінки для України.

Everyone has a story about how they got started, what was the inspiration or the catalyst for you?

The organization was born because of the war itself. Because I am a woman and a mother, that really helped to establish the organization's identity and path. The organization's mission is to bring awareness to the most critical issues facing Ukrainian women in an active war zone through advocacy, actions, and diverse global relationships.
Additionally, Women For Ukraine - Жінки для України is an organization that embraces and embodies a woman's strength and compassion and aims to provide additional programs, initiatives, and educational awareness rooted in and reflective of such characteristics.

Tell us about a time that you faced a challenging situation in your life, organization, business, or project. How did you find a solution, or over-come the challenge?

Currently, I'm facing a pretty big challenge in my life actually. Unfortunately, my husband and I will be divorcing. This is pretty scary, no matter who you are or how strong you are. Although I can't say at the moment that I will find a solution or overcome this challenge, I have found inspiration and strength in Ukraine. It might seem like an unlikely source, but Ukraine has taught the world a lot about what they can be, what they can overcome, inner strength, character, and never underestimate yourself. I look to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people for a lot in my life.


Running a business, an organization, a project is not always easy. What have your learned about yourself, about others along the way?

It can be challenging, that's for sure, especially when you are running the organization by yourself and responsible for all graphics, social media accounts, content, publications, advocacy, education, fundraising, and everything else that goes into running an organization. I have learned that no matter how many obstacles you encounter, how tired you get, and how many things might not work out, never give up. Ever. And to always remember who you are doing it for and why you are doing it. Always remember that these reasons are more significant than any setback you might experience.
Along the journey that has been Women For Ukraine - Жінки для України, I have met and worked with some very inspirational and incredible people and organizations and formed friendships that I know will last a lifetime.

We've all had that one moment that makes what we are doing worth it all. Can you share with us a story about the moment that really impacted you and touched your heart?

I have actually had two of those moments. I will never forget these incredible moments, ever. When the organization was planning our #stopwarrapeUKR global protest against the use of rape as a weapon of war in Ukraine, I reached out to Andrey Stavnitser for a bit of advice and support. I didn't know much about him, and once sent him a message about where I could find level 4 Kevlar vests. When the war started in Ukraine, I arranged medical and tactical equipment. I decided to reach out to him again concerning the protest; long story short, it developed into a friendship. I respect him deeply, and he has been an incredible mentor. No matter how well-known he is or the amazing company he keeps, he's always taken the time to help and talk with me.

The second happened just recently, in December, when I was invited to speak at the VIII Women's Congress in Brussels. I finally met 3 awesome people I had been working with since June concerning all things Ukraine and the war. They were in Brussels at the same time, and we met each other at the Hard Rock Cafe in Brussels. It was absolutely incredible to finally be able to meet these people that I had really formed this extraordinary and close friendship with. We had worked on many projects together concerning the war in Ukraine, but it developed into something more over time. So there we were Dmytro, Anastasiia and Bogdan, who are married and have a little boy, and my oldest son William having dinner and just cherishing the moment. Then, they presented me with a poster designed by Andriy Yermolenko and signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valeriy Zaluzhnyy. I was given this priceless gift as a thank-you for all the work I have been doing for Ukraine. I cannot tell you the number of emotions that were running through me that evening or what it felt like to hold that poster because even now, I still cannot believe I was given such a thing, but I will cherish it for as long as I live. Both the poster and the night I finally met those 3 incredible Ukrainians.

If you could go back in time and give your self some advice on how to manage your business, nonprofit, or project, what advice would you give?

This is a great question; truthfully, I'd say, "June, just keep being June." The thing is, I've always kept true to myself, no matter my age. I've always been the kind of person who never thought I couldn't do anything. Who never looked at something and felt scared or intimidated. It's always been more like, "heck yea, I can do that," and "if you get knocked down, stand up and go harder." And that's what I do every day with this organization because nothing and no one in this world can define your worth or accomplishments. Only you get to do that.

If a potential client, donor, partner were reading this article right now, what would tell them about you, your team to convince them to choose you?

I would tell them that they aren't going to meet a harder-working person who is more dedicated and tireless than me! But above all, you'll probably never meet anyone with a purer heart.

What is one fact about you, your business, your nonprofit, your project that most people might not know?

Well, it's nothing earth-shattering, but many people are pretty surprised when they find out I am NOT Ukrainian. I don't have a drop of Ukrainian blood or family history or ties to Ukraine. I'm just an American mother of 5.

Where do you see your business, nonprofit, project going in the next 3 or 5 years?

I would love it to be a "household name" for Ukrainians in Ukraine. By this, I mean that I hope to accomplish two of the main goals of this organization. Which is psychological, emotional, and physical help for Ukrainian women who are survivors of sexual assault and rape due to the war in Ukraine and to have helped, be it financially or in some other way, with Ukrainian children who have been forcibly deported to Russia. These are critical goals for the organization. Very pure goals in that I want to be a source of help and bring help. Nothing fancy, just healing.

It was so great sitting with you to learn more about you. How can people find out more about you, your business, nonprofit, or project?

Women For Ukraine - Жінки для України is all over social media! We are on Instagram, we have an official Facebook Page as well as a Facebook group, and we can be found on TikTok and YouTube! Never hesitate to email or message us at any time with anything!

Thank you so much for sharing your story with HiHelloUkraine Story!

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I really loved this!!

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June Kathryn Minix

Women For Ukraine - Жінки для України

Published on: 

January 5, 2023

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Xa-Xa. Ms. Fakes. Tell me , who are your sponsors with Neo-Nazi Ukrainian regime. I see you like Holocaust sponsorship too. Those Ukrainian Neo-Nazi killed 800000 Jewish people.

Unknown member
Jan 06, 2023

June, this is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it. You will overcome your highlighted obstacle. I have no doubt. Thank you for doing what you doing for Ukraine and its people. We are much stronger, together.

Replying to

You are more vital to support the Neo-Nazi's genocide of Russian people in Ukraine on Ester day. Do you remember, how that started? In Ukraine 9 years ago, and in Iran many hundreds of years ago? Are you concerned about corrupted funds for money, or about saving people from that war?

Replying to

You support corruption Neo-Naci's regime of Ukraine regime based on the genocide of one of the base populations, Russians based. And you use that system as a laundromat for the corrupted election system in the USA. Are you stronger in that to tell us the true?

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