Kris Stoesz
Ukraine Orphan Outreach
Published on:
January 13, 2023
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Thanks for taking the time to sit with us to share your story with our readers. Can you start out by sharing a little bit about you and/or your organization, business, or project?
We want everyone to share in the joy of helping orphans! Having adopted 4 children from Ukraine, we are truly blessed! Since our first trip to Ukraine in 2003, we have been looking for more ways to get our community plugged into helping these forgotten orphans that were left behind. Seeing meaningful change occur in the lives of these children inspires us all! In 2007 we started our non-profit called Ukraine Orphan Outreach and are still going strong as we start our 17th year of working in Ukraine.
Everyone has a story about how they got started, what was the inspiration or the catalyst for you?
Adoption - when we adopted from Lugansk in 2003, we could not forget all the children left behind.
Tell us about a time that you faced a challenging situation in your life, organization, business, or project. How did you find a solution, or over-come the challenge?
Adoption is a life challenge I could have never imagined. Key takeaways are to surround yourself with support, never give up on a child who comes from a hard place, and trust that God has your burdens and He will guide you through.
Running a business, an organization, a project is not always easy. What have your learned about yourself, about others along the way?
It is a ton of work and people will come and go within your organization. Even with that said, invest in people, and relationships, and commit yourself to help empower others. Remember to take care of yourself, and your inner self as well as have variety in your life so you do not get burned out with "compassion fatigue".
We've all had that one moment that makes what we are doing worth it all. Can you share with us a story about the moment that really impacted you and touched your heart?
For us at Ukraine Orphan Outreach, it is hearing back from orphans that we helped 10-15 years ago and how our impact on them changed their trajectory allowing them to have a fruitful life.
If you could go back in time and give your self some advice on how to manage your business, nonprofit, or project, what advice would you give?
Worry less and let God take care of fundraising! In addition, rather than surround yourself with those like-minded like yourself, challenge yourself to have accountability partners that are not like you! Be open to criticism and meet people halfway for the best solution to help orphans.
If a potential client, donor, partner were reading this article right now, what would tell them about you, your team to convince them to choose you?
I do not like to "convince" people, but rather just talk with them about our story. We have been working in Ukraine for 20 years and that shows our heart for the people, the culture, and the country.
What is one fact about you, your business, your nonprofit, your project that most people might not know?
As founders, both my husband and I actually question how much longer we can run a non-profit (all volunteer based) while working full-time, and being the best parents to six children we can be. Some days we want to throw in the towel, but God continues to provide energy, stamina, and a vision for us to help Ukraine.
Where do you see your business, nonprofit, project going in the next 3 or 5 years?
With the war, it is hard to project but we have received an escalated amount of interest in our NGO since the war started. We know we are committed to Ukraine and will continue our humanitarian aid well past the end of the war. Ukraine will have victory!
It was so great sitting with you to learn more about you. How can people find out more about you, your business, nonprofit, or project?
Either our website, Facebook or call Kris at the number given.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with HiHelloUkraine Story!
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Kris Stoesz
Ukraine Orphan Outreach
Published on:
January 13, 2023
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